It's debatable whether or not Sobhraj is a psychopath - he certainly doesn't seem constrained by an overdeveloped sense of empathy - but he is clearly not stupid, despite his prison record. Während ein Mix aus Abführmitteln und dem Rauschmittel Methaqualon die Opfer benebelte, verscherbelte Sobhraj ihre Wertsachen und machte sich mit ihren Dokumenten aus dem Staub. Doch er hatte sein Ziel erreicht: Zusätzlich zehn Jahre Haft für den Fluchtversuch - genug also, um seine Verbrechen in Thailand verjähren zu lassen. Confused by the ploy, the Nepalese police had allowed Gautier/Bintanja to escape to Bangkok, this time using Carrière's passport. Weihnachten 1975 lag der letzte Mord in Thailand gerade drei Tage zurück, da tauchten im 3500 Kilometer entfernten Kathmandu die verkohlten Leichen zweier junger Kanadier auf. Later, he realised that the confession might prove problematic and denied everything he told Neville about the murders. There is usually also a psychological - rather than purely material - aspect to the killings, and perhaps a ritualised element too. "Ich habe nie gute Menschen umgebracht", versuchte er seine Morde zu rechtfertigen. Sie sagte: 'Werden Sie mich schlagen?' Soon recognised by a journalist, Sobhraj found himself in the Himalayan Times. In any case, it requires no great intellect to kill someone. So Dhondy set up a meeting with Boris Johnson, the current mayor of London, who was then editor of the Spectator, at the Islington house of Peter Oborne, then the magazine's political editor. To avoid that outcome, he escaped from prison and then allowed himself to be caught and sentenced to a term that would bring him up to 20 years - the statute of limitations on his Thai arrest warrant. But his first and abiding love was Chantal Compagnon, a French woman from a deeply conservative background. So kam es, dass Sobhraj seinen indischen Wärtern kurz vor der Auslieferung an Thailand ein Abschiedsgeschenk brachte: einen kunstvoll dekorierten Präsentkorb mit Obst, Kuchen, Leckereien - und einer Prise Methaqualon. In one way or another, casinos have often proved Sobhraj's downfall. In Afghanistan, he drugged his prison guard and disappeared, leaving his young wife in a cramped and dirty cell in Kabul prison. And such was the richly implausible nature of his exploits that Sobhraj generated his own impressive literary testaments. Charles Sobhraj: Die Schlange im Hippie-Paradies, Das Tonband rauscht, dann erklärt eine leise Männerstimme: "Sie sagte: 'Haben Sie mir etwas gegeben, ich fühl mich so komisch.' On release, he was due to be extradited to Thailand, where he faced the death penalty for several murders. It proved the last straw for his wife. "Everyone has good and bad sides. "He's too stupid for that. Das Zentralgefängnis von Kathmandu wird er wohl nie mehr verlassen. Charles Sobhraj ist inzwischen 73 Jahre alt, ihm werden bis zu 24 Morde zugeschrieben. In Greece he swapped identities with his brother, leaving him to serve an 18-year sentence. Sobhraj has always been provocative in his choice of lawyers. Sobhraj met his current Nepalese lawyer, Shakuntala Thapa, through her daughter, 24-year-old Nihita Biswas, who acted as his translator during one of the Frenchman's many appeals. Nepal's Supreme Court has directed its government to decide on the jail waiver for notorious 'Bikini killer' Charles Sobhraj, who is currently serving a life sentence in the Himalayan nation since 2003 on account of murder. The book was published in 1979, after the Frenchman of Vietnamese and Indian parentage had been on trial in India in 1977, when he thought the admission couldn't hurt him. What had driven him to risk lengthy imprisonment in this impoverished mountain state? Linked with at least ten sadistic murders, Charles Sobhraj is a narcissistic pedlar of fantasies who has spent his life on the run or in prison across Southeast Asia, France and the subcontinent. There was a narcissism about him, perhaps best captured in a photograph of him that police found in which he is lying naked on a bed, proudly displaying an erection for the camera. He took it, got into the car, drove to Holland and gambled it all away. The morning fog was dense. Despite my pressing, he refused to speak about the murders, only allowing that there were things in his past that he regretted but they were now behind him and he wanted to start life anew. Sobhraj preyed on Western tourists, throughout the hippie trail of South Asia during the 1970s. Instead he was arrested and imprisoned in Tehran on suspicion of selling arms to the anti-Shah underground. Two years ago Ansari was shot, but not fatally injured, by a would-be assassin who was said to be visiting Sobhraj in the prison. After all, it's not often that renowned multiple killers are at liberty and available to talk. In autumn 2011, she appeared as a contestant on Bigg Boss, India's equivalent of, Feisty and articulate, she ran through all the legal flaws in the prosecution's case. Join Facebook to connect with Charles Sobhraj Charles Sobhraj and others you may know. Eventually word got round that he was Charles Sobhraj, so one of my staff asked his name and he said, 'Sob.'" "He knows everything," he said. Now his main lawyer is Isabelle Coutant-Peyne, who is married to the renowned international terrorist known as Carlos the Jackal. Hatchand Bhaonani Gurumukh Charles Sobhraj, geboren am 6. ", Melden Sie sich an und diskutieren Sie mit. He slept with many of them, including his lawyer, Sneh Senger, and became engaged to at least two others. Like some bizarre real-life combination of Patricia Highsmith's Tom Ripley and Thomas Harris' Hannibal Lecter, he was handsome, charming and utterly without scruple. "If you use it to make people do wrong it's an abuse," he said. In 1975, when the Nepal police raided Sobhraj's hastily abandoned hotel room after Bronzich's body was discovered, among the few items they found was a copy of Nietzsche's Beyond Good And Evil. Im Rückspiegel entdeckten sie eine Rauchwolke und stoppten abrupt. #LeakYou #CharlesSobhraj #SerialKiller #Asia. Handicrafts? But the very same day he was arrested for car theft and served eight months back inside. Nun wurde auch Teresa Knowlton obduziert. "Sobhraj took her to the border of France and Switzerland when she came back for him," said Dhondy, "and forced her to sell some land she had inherited. His parents separated later which meant that he spent his childhood shuttling between them. He called me at my Channel 4 office in Charlotte Street in 1997. Sobhraj's other main partner in crime was Ajay Chowdhury, an Indian man with whom he carried out the most brutal murders. There was also the small matter of Yousuf Ansari, a local media baron who shared the same block in the prison with Sobhraj. And Sobhraj was not unaware of his magnetic appeal. Eingefangen: Seinen letzten Fluchtversuch unternahm Sobhraj im Sommer 1986, um eine Auslieferung aus Indien nach Thailand zu verhindern. During this particular period in the ‘70s that is the focus of the Netflix series, Sobhraj allegedly murdered at least … Im August 2007 wurde auch sein letzter Einspruch abgeschmettert und eine lebenslange Haftstrafe verhängt. "But I don't feel it. I did, but there has been only silence. He escaped from three prisons in three different countries. He had been captured in 1976 while drugging 60 French engineering students in Delhi. The two men soon fell out. It had been 15 years since I'd last heard from Sobhraj, quite possibly the most disarming serial killer in criminal history, but his voice was instantly recognisable. Vom Massenmörder zum Medienstar: Nach seiner Freilassung lebte der gebürtige Vietnamese in Frankreich, wo er aufgewachsen war. He often targeted hippies who made their way through India and Vietnam and his many successful escapes … He didn't show Dhondy the emails but asked him to help him sell the story. Blick zurück: Charles Sobhraj mit 52 Jahren, aufgenommen im Februar 1997. His father, Sobhraj Hatchard Bavani, was a Sindhi Indian expatriate, while his mother, Tran Loang Phun, was a Vietnamese native. Er erwies sich als Fluchtkünstler: Ein drittes Mal entwischte Sobhraj seinen Häschern 1975 in Athen. VIDEO: Reel life Charles Sobhraj meets Real life Charles Sobhraj in Kathmandu jail. "Think about the money," he said. Sobhraj prided himself on his ability to read people. His pattern is to befriend, then drug and rob, or drug and murder, or manipulate and betray' (Biographer Richard Neville). ", Nevertheless a few years ago, while he was working in India, Dhondy received a phone call from Sobhraj in Kathmandu Central Jail. What skills could he employ in France and who would employ him? "He's not a revenge killer," says Dhondy. Mit zahllosen Beschwerden und Revisionsanträgen hält Charles Sobhraj weiterhin die Gerichte in Atem. He claimed he had emails with coded references to red mercury that he could get from Belarus. But what could he do? Sobhraj was a nuisance for both the Nepalese and French, and neither wanted to afford him the opportunity for publicity. Chantal Desnoyers spoke to India Today Amrit Dhillon about Sobhraj. Both in and out of jail, Sobhraj has always had a way with women. Yet almost 30 years later Sobhraj returned to Nepal and was arrested, tried and sentenced to 20 years in jail. Ein Gericht verurteilte ihn zu lebenslanger Haft, 2014 erhielt er wegen eines anderen Mordfalls ein zweites Mal lebenslänglich. Zuletzt sorgte er … Copy link. Foto: George Bryant/Toronto Star/Getty Images, Foto: Narendra_Shrestha/ picture-alliance/ dpa. When the Nepalese police questioned "Gautier", he claimed he was a Dutchman called Henricus Bintanja - who happened to be dead in Bangkok, another victim, it is thought, of Sobhraj. The idea that the Americans would make such provisions for a serial killer seems far-fetched, to say the least, although it's fair to say that in the past they have done business with people who are even more disreputable than Sobhraj. When captured, he feigned appendicitis and escaped from hospital. But he managed to avoid conviction for either of the killings, and instead received a 12-year sentence for the attempted robbery of the students. The whole story from the Taliban to Saddam sounded like the product of an international-class fantasist's imagination. Charles Sobhraj speaks several languages, studies psychology, and is an expert on gemology. Charles Sobhraj made a huge mistake in returning to Nepal.’ Whenever I read that statement or thought about it, the question in my head only became bigger. The couple married when Sobhraj was released and embarked on an epic crime spree across Europe and Asia, before settling in Mumbai with a newborn child and a profitable trade in stolen cars. He was staying in a tiny room at the Lutetia, the Left Bank hotel that was requisitioned by the Nazi secret service during the war. Netflix’s The Serpent takes a chilling take a look at a few of French serial killer Charles Sobhraj’s most notorious crimes. Tap to unmute. Doch er dachte nicht daran, in einem indischen Verlies zu schmoren. Only intellectuals." At times he could be articulate, thoughtful, sensitive; yet he was also wilful, stubborn and recklessly compulsive. The true story of how Gires helped build the case against Sobhraj and eventually catch the killer is … Who's to say what's right and wrong? ", I asked him in Paris about the power he held over those who came under his influence. Though his cons were elaborate, he knew he … If Sobhraj has a deep craving for liberty, he also appears to possess an unhealthy appetite for incarceration, having spent more than 35 years in prison. He thinks the Chinese didn't turn up because they suspected that Sobhraj was double-crossing them. ", Dhondy repeated the details that Sobhraj had told me in Kathmandu, the difference being that he had learned of them before Sobhraj went to prison. "I am a busy man with my own film production company in Paris. "That's when she cut my money off," complained Sobhraj, shaking his head. Arrested on July 5, 1976, Charles Sobhraj was linked with at least ten homicides spanning the past three years. 2. Crafty and manipulative, Sobhraj was an skilled at deceiving strangers and evading the police throughout Europe and Asia, which earned him the nickname The Serpent. "I told him what I knew, that the Russians said that they had an isotope that could act as a trigger for nuclear bombs. They typically have a background in crime and they tend to select their victims from a particular social group or demographic. The BBC, which has made an eight-part TV drama on Sobhraj in a co-production with Netflix - as it did with Dracula - sums up: “Charles Sobhraj was the chief suspect in the unsolved murders of up to 20 young western travellers across India, Thailand and Nepal through 1975 and 1976. "He finds himself not famous, whereas in prison he's a somebody. Als 52-Jähriger zog er nach Paris und machte seine Geschichte zu Geld; Journalisten empfing er gegen ein Honorar von 5000 Dollar, die Filmrechte für sein abenteuerliches Leben soll er für eine Millionensumme verhökert haben. Share. Although he tried to keep me off balance by, for example, driving me to an empty restaurant in the outer suburbs of Paris, he didn't seem scary. In einer grauenerregenden Tonbandaufnahme schilderte er die Taten im Detail. And he said, 'You could put it that way.'". Charles Sobhraj picked off his victims in the heady world of 1970s Thailand, India and Nepal - drugging, poisoning and dumping their bodies with casual ease. But I have to admit that when we first met, I suspected nothing and was taken in by his charm. "Sobhraj was there with two large Belgians in leather jackets. Bald stand die wahre Identität des "Bikini-Killers" fest: Charles Sobhraj wurde in fast allen Ländern Asiens gesucht, verdächtig des Mordes in mindestens acht Fällen. According to Sobhraj, two Arabs, probably Iraqis, contacted him from Bahrain. Immer wieder war seine Geschichte Inspiration für Kino- und TV-Produktionen, zuletzt für den Bollywood-Thriller "Main Aur Charles" (2015), der seine spektakuläre Flucht aus dem Tihar-Hochsicherheitsgefängnis in Neu-Delhi zum Gegenstand hatte. Both titles played on the Serpent, the nickname Sobhraj had been given by the press because he was cunning and slippery, capable of beguiling sang-froid and poisonous violence. It's a front for selling arms. 'He finds himself not famous, whereas in prison he's a somebody' "I'm almost 70," he said. January 26, 2021 tom Leave a Comment on My chilling encounter with serial killer Charles Sobhraj … Sobhraj preyed on Western tourists, throughout the Hippie Trail of Southeast Asia during the 1970s. Andere Reisende hatte der Mörder erstochen, erwürgt oder bei lebendigem Leib verbrannt. He yearns for life outside, but once there he soon finds himself back behind bars. Sobhraj took Johnson's advice and went to the Telegraph, but while he was still in talks with that paper, he went off to Nepal. Und ich sagte: 'Nein, etwas Besseres.'". Die idealen Opfer für den gewissenlosen Charmeur, der sieben Sprachen beherrschte. The honeymoon ended in 1973 when Sobhraj was arrested for holding a flamenco dancer prisoner for three days in her New Delhi hotel room, while he and an accomplice tried to drill through her ceiling to a gem store below. Der schlug fehl, Sobhraj fand sich erneut im Gefängnis wieder. Humanitarian work? "I risked my life for the war on terror," he protested, a little improbably, claiming that the CIA abandoned him when he was arrested. "You must talk to him.". ", The pair stayed in touch and in 2003, Sobhraj called Dhondy, who has a natural-sciences degree from Cambridge, to ask about red mercury. The Taliban needed to sell heroin to buy arms and Sobhraj had contacts with the Triads, who were keen to buy heroin, so he offered to represent the Taliban in a meeting in Nepal. They supposedly married on 9 October 2008 in jail on Bada Dashami. On the trail of the serpent...the fatal charm of Charles Sobhraj. We said our goodbyes and he told me to call him. The notorious criminal has been irking the jail administration with his demand for release arguing that he was eligible for commutation of jail term. When I met him in Paris he boasted of his exploits in Tihar prison in New Delhi. Sometimes he would complete the murder by setting the body on fire - in more than one case, investigators found that the victim was not dead when he or she was set alight. Wegen seiner Gewandtheit tauften die Zeitungen den fintenreichen Mörder "Die Schlange". Dass er zu hoch gepokert hatte, wurde ihm spätestens klar, als im Casino des "Yak & Yeti Hotel" die Handschellen klickten. Since then the Maoists have dominated the political scene, without ever holding complete power, and have showed themselves to be every bit as corrupt and self-serving as their predecessors. We spoke for almost two hours, in which Sobhraj jumped back and forth between countries and decades, never showing the slightest regret for the devastation he had wrought or the lives he'd ruined. After a special plea to the prison minister, two meetings with the prison governor, three body searches and an armed escort, I entered the inner sanctum of the prison, which is run by the prisoners. Viewed from a political perspective, it was a story of the times, a symbolic tale of colonial backlash, an uprooted war child fighting against an oppressive and uncaring system. He eventually made off with thousands of pounds worth of jewels. '", Dhondy said Compagnon's theory about Sobhraj is that he can't live without prison, the regime, the routine, and the status he enjoys there. He then told me about being approached by an agent for Saddam Hussein's regime, before the invasion of Iraq in 2003, to buy red mercury, a semi-mythical substance that was said, without credible attribution, to be used in the creation of nuclear weapons. I asked Biswas how she would feel if she discovered that her husband was indeed a killer. Als am nächsten Morgen zudem die Leiche der Amerikanerin Charmayne Carrou in einem geblümten Bikini im Wasser trieb, hatte Thailand einen Skandal und die Presse eine Schlagzeile: Alles suchte nun den "Bikini-Killer". "I said, 'You're the serial killer.' "She said he did them all," he said. "I was still in love with Chantal, but I was with my Chinese wife who was pregnant, so I told Chantal, 'I can't be with you.'". Dem australischen Autor Richard Neville offenbarte er damals, was sein Motiv gewesen sei: Hass auf Westler und Drogenkonsumenten, Rache am westlichen Imperialismus. "This is Charles, Charles Sobhraj." "The charges are rubbish," he complained in 2004. Als er die adrette Kanadierin Marie-Andrée Leclerc und den indischen Gelegenheitsdieb Ajay Chowdhury kennenlernte, nahm die Mordserie in Pattaya mit Teresa Knowlton ihren Anfang. Every cent. A former commissioning editor at Channel 4, he is now a playwright, novelist and documentary maker. Im Februar 1997 verlieà Charles Sobhraj das Tihar-Gefängnis als freier Mann. Uncheckable. He greeted me warmly as if I were an old friend. We're going to the launder the money through the antiques job. Hotchand Bhawnani Gurumukh Charles Sobhraj (born 6 April 1944) is a French serial killer, fraudster and thief of Indian and Vietnamese descent. Even if the hired killer had been in collusion with Sobhraj, that didn't explain how he entered the prison with a gun - unless someone at the self-same prison authorities turned a blind eye. By Andrew Anthony 11 April 2014. 12 Things You Didn’t Know About The Infamous Charles Sobhraj. We suggested he try the Telegraph.". Mit einer vorgetäuschten Erkrankung lieà er sich ins Gefängniskrankenhaus verlegen, mischte seinen Aufpassern Schlafmittel ins Essen - und entkam. "It's an incredible story. Sobhraj denied all knowledge of the plot, but the prison authorities claimed that the gunman had visited him 21 times in the preceding months. For his part, Johnson says that he "clearly remembers making a clear decision not to proceed". He said, 'We're here to set up an antique furniture shop. He was relying on Dhondy to put his case. His efforts to sell his prison memoirs came to nothing, however, and six years later he was arrested in Nepal for the murders in December 1975 of a 28-year-old American backpacker Connie Jo Bronzich and her friend, a Canadian by the name of Laurent Carrière, whose mutilated corpses were found that Christmas in fields near Kathmandu. Auf der Anklagebank: Die nepalesischen Behörden machten Sobhraj nach seiner erneuten Einreise 2003 den Prozess wegen des Doppelmordes an einem Backpacker-Pärchen. As The Serpent portrays, Teresa Knowlton is Sobhraj’s first confirmed murder victim, whom he allegedly killed with his right-hand man, Ajay Chowdhury. However she remains a staunch advocate of his cause and the attention she has garnered, due to her husband, hasn't been all bad. The Casino Royale at Hotel Yak & Yeti in central Kathmandu does not entirely live up to its James Bond billing. 1973 plante der 28-jährige Allround-Verbrecher den ganz groÃen Coup: einen Juwelenraub in Delhis herrschaftlichem Ashoka-Hotel. Gerade befand er sich in einer Ambulanz Richtung Krankenhaus, als den Sanitätern Qualm in die Nase stieg. Chowdhury disappeared after a trip to Malaysia with Sobhraj and has never been seen again. Charles Sobhraj (Rahim) was the chief suspect in the unsolved murders of up to 20 young Western travellers across India, Thailand and Nepal’s ‘Hippie Trail’ in 1975 and 1976. "Ich kann die Morde rechtfertigen", so seine zynische Selbst-Absolution, "ich habe nie gute Menschen umgebracht." In any case, Sobhraj, perhaps surprisingly, is not a man to bear a grudge. Charles Sobhraj, the alleged 'Bikini Killer', is now trying his best to get on the right side of the law and walk out of Kathmandu’s largest prison. He was also a student of the philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche's "will to power".
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